Estate Planning:
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What lifetime planning documents are essential or helpful?
2. Why have a Will at all?
3. Why not do your own will?
4. What are the requirements of a formal written will?
5. What is a Codicil?
6. What are some of the features a Texas will should contain?
7. What is a self-proving affidavit?
8. What are some features a Will should NOT contain?
9. How do I give instructions that are inappropriate for inclusion in a Will?
10. What is the definition of a trust?
11. What are the types of trusts that relate to wills and estate planning?
12. Why are trusts used in estate planning?
13. When should a trust be used to avoid probate?
14. What are the basic provisions a protective trust should contain?
15. How do I express my general intentions if I do not include them in the trust provisions?
16. What other matters which should be considered?


Estate Planning:
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What lifetime planning documents are essential or helpful?

2. Why have a Will at all?

3. Why not do your own will?

4. What are the requirements of a formal written will?

5. What is a Codicil?

6. What are some of the features a Texas will should contain?

7. What is a self-proving affidavit?

8. What are some features a Will should NOT contain?

9. How do I give instructions that are inappropriate for inclusion in a Will?

10. What is the definition of a trust?

11. What are the types of trusts that relate to wills and estate planning?

12. Why are trusts used in estate planning?

13. When should a trust be used by a Texas resident to avoid probate?

14. What are the basic provisions a protective trust should contain?

15. How do I express my general intentions if I do not include them in the trust provisions?

16. What other matters which should be considered?

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